Thursday, 1 August 2013

WEEK 1 : Cryengine Video Tutorial

Getting Started and Folder Structure

1.          64 bit is better that 32 bit as it is faster and has more memory
2.          “pak” file in game folder is basically the whole game. Object folder in pak file can be extracted out to game folder if needed.
3.          Better to leave “system .cfg” file. If wanting to add comments, it is better to create new file and name it “user.cfg” which will automatically edit.
4.           Should boot “settingsmanager.exe” folder at least once before start working in tool box.
Making sure green light is on. Which means that engine detects recess compiler.
5.          To install exporter plugins for sandbox go to 32bit folder and look for folder manually.

Overview Of The CryENGINE 3 Sandbox User Interface

1.       Cryengine works in meters
2.       By name function: At the top of viewport, if name of object to be isolated is typed in, everything else gets hidden. For example if rock was to be isolated, type in “rock” at the search bar then everything except rock gets hidden. BUT only works for entities, pressures, etc
3.       Status Bar: Located at the bottom left corner. It shows how many objects are selected.
4.       Speed input box: Is the speed of viewport camera (zooming in and out) 0.1   is the default camera speed.
5.       Terrain button: The icon at the bottom of viewport next to “AI physics” controls camera going through the terrain. When icon is clicked, camera cannot go through terrain however, when released, camera can go through the terrain and view what is under terrain (such as water). ONLY works on terrain
6.       AI Physics: <Ctrl+g> = game on. (Water moves, fish fishing around etc.)  If AI Physic control in enabled, it is still in game on however still in editor mode. If AI Physic control is disabled, everything freezes. <Ctrl + p> is key for AI Physics
7.       Go to position: The XYZ coordinate shown shows where the camera is placed now. This is also shown at the viewport on top “campos” (Camera Position). Can order where to place camera. If there is any place that needs I need to come back, then coordinate can be copy pasted in.
8.       Rollup Bar: Creating, modifying, hide , render setting, layer manager.
9.       Prefact vs Group: Prefact is good for instancing. For example if one is changed, others change together.
10.   Follow terrain <Ctrl + 1>: Snaps to terrain
Follow terrain and snap to object <Ctrl + 2>: Snaps to terrain and object so that other objects don’t overlay.

Customizing the editor

1.          If more than one panel is opened, they can be joined so that 3 panels are in one window.
It creates tabs at the bottom.
2.          Tabs can be attached to viewport so that window does not flow around.
This can be done by click and dragging to the wanted icon created.
3.           Panels on tool bar can be turned on/off by right clicking on empty space and ticking and un-ticking it.
4.          Menu Bar > Tools > Customize Keyboard
New panel can be made with command I need.
Step One: Under toolbar “new” and name it, then empty tool bar is created.
Step Two: Find the command wanted and drag and drop at the empty tool bar created.
5.          Menu Bar > Tools > Configure User Commands
This is setting a most used panel on viewport.
Step One: Create new macros with new name
Step Two: Find the command
Step Three: Click apply then okay.
It will now be placed at Menu Bar > Tools > User Commands


Ways to move around level

1.       Keyboard: W=forward, S=backward, A=left & D=right
2.       Right mouse button=Looks around
3.       Click scroll mouse button=Pan around
4.       *can use mouse to instead of keyboard*
Click scroll & right mouse button and drag up and down = forward & backward
5.       Pressing “shift” makes camera move faster.
6.       Can also use mouse scroll
7.       Alt + click scroll mouse button” rotates camera around

User Interface Panels

1.       Ctrl + T = selecting objects.
2.       Keyboard H = Hide
3.       Keyboard F = Freeze
4.       Keyboard Delete Key = Delete
5.       Camera Position: Ctrl + F1 = Save Camera position & Ctrl + F1 = Brings back saved Camera Position
6.       Holding Space Bar = Shows Helpers

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